Discover how using BenefitEd’s education benefit products can help make your student loan payments, tuition, or future education costs more manageable.

Let BenefitEd Help You
Pay Off Student Loans Faster
When you have an employer that contributes to student loans through employer-assisted student loan repayment, you can pay your debt down faster.
Save Money on Student Loan Interest
With help from employer-assisted student loan repayment, reduce what you pay in interest over the life of the student loan, freeing money for other things.
Get Assistance Paying for Education
You get help paying for school now or later with a tuition reimbursement or employer match product that increases your college savings program contribution.
Focus on Other Financial Goals
With help from your employer to support the cost of education, you can more easily balance planning for other financial goals.
Our Products
Achieving your educational and financial goals is easier with BenefitEd’s flexible products. Your employer’s assistance can help you pay down your student loans, pay for college now, or save for future education needs for you or a dependent.
Student Loan Repayment Calculator
This useful calculator can help you see the impact of BenefitEd’s employer-assisted student loan repayment product. Plug in a few numbers to see how much time and money you can shave off your student loan payments with help from your employer and BenefitEd.
Total Saved:
Time Saved:
Interest Saved:
Frequently Asked Questions
We understand you may have questions about how BenefitEd’s programs work. Here are answers to some common questions we receive.
Featured Resources
In our Resource Center, you’ll find useful articles, videos, case studies, whitepapers, and more. These resources provide information on how to pay for college or pay off student loans, plan for future education costs, and get and keep your finances on track.